Saturday, September 23, 2017

How to Build Revenue via Your Innovative Internet Sales Cycle - Part 6 (Free Trial)

Friends, so far in the series on your Internet Sales Cycle we have looked at using a combination of relevant "lead magnets" and "low-mid-high ticket" products or services to bring prospects into and through your sales funnel. You may wish to add additional steps in your funnel (e.g. more lead magnets and corresponding products or services) for your customers ... always seeking to offer more "value" while creating additional income streams. Nonetheless, once you have a pool of loyal customers it's time to seek "Testimonials and Evangelists" to help grow your business. Going back to basics ... the more "value" your customers have received and the higher the level of "trust" they have in your business the more willing some of them will be to provide a verbal (video-based) or written "testimonial" which you can add to your web site or email marketing materials. Moreover, if you reach the point of hosting webinars (e.g. via Facebook Live) and/or a dedicated YouTube channel you can conduct an interview with one or more of your customers who basically serve as Evangelists for your product-service and brand. To learn more why not try our Free Trial today simply by clicking here ( See you soon. Remain blessed ... Lawrence, Internet Digital Entrepreneur

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